On Friday, September 16, 2016, our Fall Dinner and Annual Member meeting was held at Horseshoe Bay Beach Club. Those present enjoyed a delicious meal, heard committee updates, and enjoyed a wonderful presentation by Mike Maves from the Door County Maritime Museum. Thank you Mike for sharing your presentation on your visit to Cuba and your update on the museum expansion!
Our Annual Labor Day Family Race was held on Sunday, September 4th. Seventeen boats in three classes participated in this fun event. Conditions were perfect for a competitive race. Following the race, racers and their crew joined other members and family in a picnic lunch. Thanks go to Karl & Lucy Klug, Jack and Sue Whittemore, Jerry Pocquette, and Jackie Ritchie & her 'crew' for their hard work in making the day such a success...we are looking forward to this Friday's Annual Fall Meeting and Dinner.
Saturday, August 13th marked our very first "Women at the Helm Race". Nine boats competed. First place went to Captain Janet Grota on Summer Nite, 2nd Place went to Captain Melissa Rapp on 45 North, and 3rd went to Captain Marty Moravec on Rainbow's End! Following the awards, we held a Bloody Mary Party which was fun for all.